How do I prevent EndNote from citing an organization as if they were a person?

When an organization is the author for a paper or website and I enter the title into the Author field, it ends up being cited as if it were a person. For example, the Center for Disease Control and Prevention is shown as "Prevention CfDCa."


To get EndNote to cite an organization correctly, place a comma at the end of the organization's name in the Author field. 

Place a comma at the end of the organization's name in EndNote

This same trick works for authors with multiple last names. So, for example, someone named "Gloria Perez Santos" should be listed in the author field as Perez Santos, Gloria in EndNote. That let's EndNote know which names should be spelled out fully and which can be abbreviated.


  • Last Updated Jun 26, 2024
  • Views 68
  • Answered By Krystal Bullers

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