How do I reserve a group study room?


To book one of the group study rooms located in the Shimberg Health Sciences Library, click on the button below and complete the request form. 

Book a Group Study Room

Please note that these rooms are for use by USF Health students only* for the purpose of study and other USF Health course-related meetings. USF Health staff and faculty can find available rooms using the 25Live system.

*Exceptions may be made for test proctoring, tutoring, or Shimberg Library business. To request an exception, contact Damion Beckett.


To Create a Study Room Reservations

  1. Find the room you would like to reserve in the availability grid
  2. Click on the desired timeslots. If the time you've requested exceeds 3 hours, you will need to delete some of the times until the total time is 3 hours. You can delete time slots by clicking on the trashcan icon in the list. (See sample image below.)
  3. Once you've selected all the time you will need, click on the Submit Times button.
  4. Your request will be reviewed and you will receive a notification if the reservation is approved.(Check your spam filter!)


Study Rooms are for GROUP USE (2 or more)

  • Two group members must be present at the library services desk when the key is checked out.
  • A member of the group must take primary responsibility for the room by signing the agreement and leaving a valid photo ID at the library services desk in exchange for the room key. This individual must remain in the room with the group for the full duration. The ID will be returned ONLY to the person to whom it belongs. 


Study Rooms are Limited to Three (3) Hours

  • Group study rooms may be reserved for periods of up to 3 hours per day per group.
  • After 3 hours, a group may continue to use the room until another group needs the room.
  • Last Updated Oct 16, 2023
  • Views 453
  • Answered By DB

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